Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tropical Storm Blues

After 3 days of rain, the sun is shining again.Our soil amazes us. I was determined to rescue my tomatoes today before they split and spoiled; I thought for sure I would be sinking in the muck, but I could actually walk out there without sinking, and this is after 6 inches of rain! We made 28 quarts of juice today which makes a total of 50 quarts.
The 600 plants ( broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower) are doing well. Good thing we planted them deeply. We were able to find onion sets. We have been searching all over for them so were grateful to find them.
The beans are exploding with blooms and little peas and green beans. The honey dew are crawling off the plastic, okra is blooming and setting well, and we had some delicious yellow zucchini for lunch.
Lettuce is under shade cloth and has sprouted very well. Next week will be in the low 80's so we will be able to remove the cloth. Good thing we had that on during all the rain.
Ron and Seth started on our chicken tractors. We have 12 Rhode Island Reds coming in October. They will be about 18 weeks old then. We found a local guy who is breeding RIR, and Buff Orphingtons.
We are getting geared up for the Fall Market. Ordering labels for the lettuce, bags, tables , and making more signs.

1 comment:

  1. wow, I can't believe all that you guys are accomplishing your first year on the land! I was actually salivating reading all the yummy, fresh garden goodies you're growing!! The Lord is truly blessing the fruits of your hands!!
    love ya'll!!




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